Friday, February 5, 2021

change name, address, date of birth on aadhar card

 how to change name,address,date of birth on aadhar card ?

step 1. go to uidai website Home - Unique Identification Authority of India | Government of India (

step 2. click on Update Demographics Data Online under Update Aadhaar

step 3. click on proceed butten under change name,address and date of birth

step 4.enter aadhar number and captch code.

step 5. you will get OTP on your ragistered phone number.

step 6. fill it and verify.

step 7. select what you want to change in aadhar.

step 8. fill required detail your both the detail wich currently showing in your aadhar and new detail what you want to chanqe.

step 9. click on submit you will get data for again verify.

step 10. chaque detail if currect proceede to payment, if not click on edit detail.

step 11. pay and get slip.

step 12. apdate request is made.

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